10 motive sa iti faci bagajul si sa incepi sa calatoresti


Am gasit un articol foarte bun pe care am vrea sa il impartasim cu voi. Sursa este: https://everydaypowerblog.com/…/13/reasons-travel-the-world/

We have been traveling the world for more than three years now

We have always felt that it is something we need to do; it is like breathing for us. Discovering new places, getting to know a foreign culture, and tasting local cuisine are something that can’t be compared to anything else.
We can’t imagine life without travels! For us it is the best way to spend everyday. We have this invincible spirit of wanderlust that is only getting stronger and stronger every year.

Every one should get a chance to travel the world! Here are ten reasons why:

1. You will become a better person.
Traveling is the perfect way to see the different perspective of life. Getting to know new cultures and languages will make you more tolerant. You will simply become a better person: someone more understanding, compassionate, and forgiving.
Before we start travelling we were unconsciously racists. We were born and raised in a country that is very unitary. More than 90 percent of Polish citizens are white Christians, so before we turned 20 and started to travel the world, we were very distanced from the people with different religions, skin colour, or sexual orientation.
But it all changed when we started to discover other cultures. We realised that we are all the same! Every single person on this world laughs, cries, dreams and suffers.

2. You will get to know yourself better.
You will have an amazing opportunity to check how you react on different situations. You will have time to think about your life and find out who you really are.
Our first overseas travel was a trip to Thailand. After a 36-hour journey, we finally arrived in Bangkok. We took a taxi and it turned out that our driver had no idea where our hotel was! He got lost and then told us to leave at a dark, narrow street. We were tired and terrified! But after 5 minutes. we still managed to arrive at our hotel. How? A stranger helped us.
We had hundreds of situations like this and we are grateful for each of them. They made us more confident and helped us believe that we will be fine, no matter what.

3. You will be more clever when you travel the world.
Traveling will definitely improve your knowledge of geography, foreign cultures, and languages!
Before we started traveling, we couldn’t find Vietnam on the map or tell what is the capital of Dominican Republic. We knew nothing about the world. Today, we have an excellent sense of direction and great knowledge on geography. We have become wiser – and it is all because of our travels.

4. You will experience something new.
You know almost everything about your own country, so nothing can really surprise you. It’s different when you travel the world. Culture shocks are something you will have to deal with everyday. And it is beautifulStaying in one place for a very long time is boring and the best way to get out of a rut is to start traveling!
The biggest culture shock for us was in Malaysia. We were surprised that people there eat only by using their bare hands. It was OK for us to grab a sandwich or pizza slice but, we still can’t imagine eating rice without a spoon or fork!

5. You will make wonderful memories.
Nothing can be compared to the experience and memories. Collecting moments is always better than collecting things.
When you spend your life in one place, everyday seems the same. It is different for us. If you would ask us what we were doing one year ago, on October 6th, I would describe this day to you in every detail! It has never been the same as any other day, since we started traveling.
Someone wise said:
We couldn’t agree more with this quote!

6. You might find the meaning of life.
The meaning of life is different for every person and for every countryWhile traveling, you should hopefully find your own path.
As we mentioned before, we were born and raised in Europe. Western countries have one main purpose of life: to have more, be more, and achieve more! It is different in other places, like in South East Asia, for example. Thai people believe that you don’t have to climb the career ladder. All you have to do is to be a good person and enjoy life.
After spending few months in Thailand, we have learnt to slow down and start appreciating what we already have.

7. You will be in places you’ve only seen on photos.
There’s nothing more beautiful than to step foot on a foreign land!
A few days ago, we have been watching a Harry Potter movie. It was amazing to see all the places that we have been to in London. After more than 3 years of traveling, all the beautiful photos that we can only see on the Internet or on the newspaper, are something that we have already seen in person. This is one of the benefits of traveling.
It is a gorgeous feeling to actually explore places that in the past, we have only dreamt of visiting.

8. You will inspire others.
Traveling is an ultimate inspiration for you and all the people you know.
Even though traveling seems easy, it is quite difficult to start doing it. When you decide to be brave enough to make your dreams come true, you will inspire others to do the same.
Go first and see that magic happens!

9. You will have awesome travel stories to tell.
The best stories will always be written in your passport. We love this quote:
We have so many interesting travel stories to tell!
Like the one about a Thai woman who couldn’t stop hugging Karolina in the plane (she was really afraid of flying!) or the guy from the U.S. who threatened Patryk to kill him if he won’t give him money. Or the one about the most beautiful place in this world (El Nido) that we discovered thanks to the Filipino guy that we have met at a hostel in Singapore.
We could go on and on with it: we have hundreds of stories to tell. Each day of travel brought something interesting to our life.

10. You will meet amazing people.
Every person that you will meet on the road has a different story to tell. All these stories are beautiful and unforgettable.
We will always remember a couple that we have met in Thailand. She was from Turkey and he was from the U.S. It  turned out that we have many things in common: like we are of the same age and we have the very same job in e-commerce. We spent wonderful days with them.
We will never forget the amazing talks that we had with a group of friends in the Philippines. One guy told us that he had survived the earthquake in Nepal. His stories were shocking and were something that we couldn’t even imagine.

We met hundreds of people on the road and each of them has a very special place in our hearts.

Ready To Travel The World?
These are just some of the benefits of traveling. Once you decide to pack your bags, you will create your own wonderful adventures and leave your mark in special places. Don’t be afraid to step out and see the world. It’s just there waiting for you.
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