Autocross Arena
Autocross Arena - Pasionatii sporturilor cu motor au acum arena lor. Singura pista amenajata din Bucuresti unde poti inchiria masini. Daca nu vrei s-o testezi pe a ta. -
Flying, dreaming and imagining, the desire to get off the ground, has now become possible and accessible. The Hot Air Balloon offers the possibility to spend leisure time with friends in a special, unique and adrenaline-filled way.
Centrul Shakti
Shakti is a unique concept in which we offer solutions to achieve wellness through services such as massages, complementary therapies, yoga classes, pilates, bodyart etc. but also through classic beauty services. Our team of specialists is ready to offer you the most complete services. -
Circuitul Titi Aur
Academia Titi Aur este situata pe DN1A, la doar 16 km de la centura Bucurestiului, la iesirea din localitatea Crevedia. Aici este locul unde fiecare sofer poate veni pentru a-si imbunatati stilul de conducere a autovehiculului. -
Conacul Ambient
Suntem bucuroși să vă primim în casa noastră desprinsa dintr-un basm pentru a trăi cu noi clipe de neuitat.
Dorim să aveți parte de o experiență care vă va ajuta să descoperiți Brașovul din momentul în care ne treceți pragul și să cunoaștem în permanentă nevoile pe care le aveți pe durata șederii pentru a va proporționa un serviciu excelent. -
Domeniul Manasia
Domeniul Manasia isi revendica gloria de altadată prin crearea cadrului perfect pentru experiente sofisticate si memorabile, adaptate mediului social contemporan. -
Guilty Pleasure
Guilty Pleasure was born out of love. Like any child. It was born in time, out of care and love and grows, day by day, with care, passion and trust. A passion full of adventure, taste and refinement.
Jetav Flight Academy opened its wings in June 2016, and brought on board only people with extensive aviation experience. Whether your dream is to become a pilot, are passionate about flying or want to overcome your fear of flying, the experience is 100% authentic and adrenaline-filled. -
John Balon Sky Team
The John Balloon Sky Team was formed out of a desire to share the extraordinary experience of hot air ballooning. You will have the chance of an extraordinary experience, a memorable trip for one or more people depending on the chosen option. -
Magic Padel
Padel is not just a sport, it is a way of life. A good team, a good management is reflected in the success of the company and the priority for us in this company is people and a healthy lifestyle for them, a way in which we can harmoniously combine the useful with the pleasant.
Poetry is the place you come back to, again and again, for the fragrance of the food and the warm, good atmosphere. A place where time forgets to flow, near the inter-war and literary flower battles... A place made and kept with love, skill and care, every day... And, because all this needed a name, they called it Poesia. -
Poligon Broz Guns
Povestea poligonului Broz Guns este destul de simplă. Trei prieteni, „broz” în pasiunile lor, de la motocicletele Harley Davidson, la tir, au realizat că nu aveau nici un loc pe gustul lor în care să tragă, simultan, în condiții de confort și într-o locație relativ centrală, și cu pușcă și cu pistol. -
Premier Spa
Premier SPA este primul Medical SPA de 5* din Romania al carui obiectiv este acela de a va oferi tratamente individualizate și personalizate in functie de nevoile dumneavoastra, intr-o atmosfera de rafinament și relaxare. -
Smart Driving
Defensive and sporty driving courses, the ideal gift if you love speed and are a die-hard racing car fan. SMART DRIVING's mission is to contribute to road safety and to teach students to recognise the behaviour of the car, but above all to help them to know their reactions in extreme and emergency situations. -
The Float Room
In October 2016, the first Float Center in Bucharest was opened to give you the balance you were looking for with the help of float therapy. We know it is very hard to find a quiet moment to meditate, so is finding a quick method to reduce stress and pain. That's why we offer you the antidote: The Float Room. -
TNT Brothers
Salturi de 4000 m, le poti face solo sau impreuna cu prietenii tai, cu parasuta ta sau cu orice parasuta inchiriata de la noi, poti sa evoluezi invatand lucruri noi in cadere libera , freefly sau pilotarea parasutei.